Let Natural Talents Guide Your Career

Today, I went to a session called the Natural Talent and Genetic Skills test facilitated by Michael Monroe Kiefer M.S. Through his research, he discovered that the people who are most successful or “Peak Performers” in many different fields had similar characteristics. One characteristic they had was they all set goals. The second characteristic they had is that they also had a positive self image and saw themselves as being successful. The third characteristic of peak performers was that they used their natural talents and skills in their professions.

It was interesting how he compared the sports industry to businesses. Most businesses review their employees, and they look at the 25 or so different skills that the employee does on the job. In this review there would typically be three to four skills that the employee does really well and about three to four skills that the employee doesn’t do well. The rest of the skills the employee does are average. What most employers do is not spend much time with the items that the employee does really well or the average skills but spend the bulk of the time in the review and after the review working on getting the skills the employee is the worst in and improving them. Keep in mind that spending time and effort attempting to hone those skills employees are less adept at -- at best, it would become an average skill. Mr. Kiefer stated that companies that do this are going to end up with average employees.

In the sports realm, they treat things differently. Take a football player like Bret Farve. When Bret Farve was in high school he already had the aptitude to play football and be a quarterback. In college, he continued to learn more about his quarterbacking skills and further developed those skills. At that point, no coach would have told Bret, “Gee, you are really good at quarterbacking and I see that you are a poor kicker; we should send you to more kicker training.” NO! They gave him more quarterback training -- because a professional quarterback is very specialized.

The better thing to do is to give that employee more training in what he/she excels in so the employee can master them to the point of being an expert. This makes the employee more valuable. A manager of a group project looks for the best people to complete each task of the project to assure the project is done to perfection and on time. A business is like a huge project with the project manager at the top.

He states that everyone has natural talents and we should all look at developing our own natural talents. This does make sense to me. I believe that everyone is an expert on some field.

Here is an article that I found about his system:

Let Natural Talents Guide Your Job Search

by Michael Monroe Kiefer - 2009-03-30

"Search for a job and base your career on something you are interested in, good at, have a competitive advantage in, and are passionate about. Let your natural talents guide your job search. Everyone has natural talents that can be turned into income!" Many job seekers are in panic mode applying for whatever jobs are available. Recently 667 people applied for one janitor position at Edison Junior High School in Ohio. Many laid-off and dislocated workers seem so shell-shocked or depressed, it’s like a mad scramble to send resumes everywhere and then see what happens. Similar to trolling the entire Pacific Ocean for one chest of sunken treasure. While this keeps a person busy, it’s a “nonsense approach.” Fully 75% of the general population in the U.S. have jobs in which they have no natural talent. This leads to high stress, low productivity, and poor morale. It also makes it impossible for the person to excel in their career because they have no competitive advantage.

Even high school and college students usually just take career advice from parents and friends without ever taking an inventory of their true talents.

There is hope, help, and a more targeted scientific approach for job seekers of all ages. Something that will build solid self-confidence and point you in the right career direction. It is YOUR natural talents! Each person has at least one thing they can naturally excel at. Two key questions need to be answered in your job search. One “What is my natural talent?” and two “How can I make money with my talent?” Answer these two questions correctly and you win the brass ring of a stunningly rewarding career!

Question one comes first (question two will be answered in my next article.) There are many “career assessments” available. Most were developed 5-20 years ago, are “computer” scored and usually spit out a bizarre career option which has little or nothing to do with your natural talents. The POWERMIND Project on human potential is heavily involved with natural talent testing. We have developed a new, thoughtful, open ended talent test with reflective and guided self interpretation. It contains over 100 questions to assess your true talents, skills, and abilities.

Here are just four example questions from The POWERMIND Natural Talent Test to help give you insight into your talents.

  1. Have people consistently complimented you on something since early childhood and you actually thought nothing of it? What did they compliment you on?
  2. What three subjects or topic areas fascinate you? Why?
  3. Make a list of all of your hobbies past and present. What do they have in common?
  4. Have you ever thought of a product or service and later seen that same product or service offered for sale by someone else?
Search for a job and base your career on something you are interested in, good at, have a competitive advantage in, and are passionate about. Let your natural talents guide your job search. Everyone has natural talents that can be turned into income, especially you!

By: Michael Monroe Kiefer M.S. (The POWERMIND Project)

POWERMIND Natural Talent tests are being made available to the public from The POWERMIND Project research at www.KeystoneEC.com (click on the Workshop Registration & Products tab). Place two Talent Tests in your shopping cart and enter code TESTFREE at checkout and you’ll receive two natural talent tests for $25.00. You’ll be getting two for the price of one, and shipping is FREE!

If reproduced in its entirety this article may be reprinted in hardcopy and electronic formats. Spread the word!

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