Today the RNC released a new web video, titled "Protect America Alert." The video highlights Congressional Democrats' failure to permanently update America's 30-year-old terrorist surveillance law, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In 2007, Senators Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Harry Reid all voted against providing our nation's intelligence community with the vital tools it needs to track and fight potential terrorists. "Protect America Alert" can be viewed here.


RNC eCampaign

Three Republician Candidates for Minnesota House of Representative District 37B

There are three Republician canditates for the Minnesota House of Representatives for District 37B. We have Judy Lindsay, Deb Kaczmarek and Dave Ganfield. All three are trying to win Dennis Ozment's seat.

Judy Lindsay has been a member of the School District 196 (Rosemount/Apple Valley/Eagan) School Board. She has done some Lobbying for right for life legislation at the state capital. Doing some more research she has been the Campaign Chair for the Lindner for State Rep back in 2005.

Deb Kaczmarek has been a strong voice against Eminent Domain and has been an advocate for property rights in downtown Rosemount. Kaczmarek is a member of the Save Rosemount Committee. If she is elected she is would be looking forward to working towards lower taxes and efficient government, Increasing funding for roads and bridges, limiting the power of unelected government bodies, and give back constitutional rights that have been lost.

Dave Ganfield is a retired firefighter has been involved in the Governor's Council on Fire Prevention Council, the Volunteer Fire Relief Association Working Group, and the Minnesota State Volunteer Firefighters Association.

Looks like the 2008 Minnesota fishing regulations are out already.

Looks like the 2008 Minnesota fishing regulations are out already. They are listed at: http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/rlp/regulations/fishing/fishing2008.pdf

High Flyers VS Black Dawg

This afternoon we played against the High Flyers. We won 7 and lost 5. That would make us tied with them.