Only Hurts my Eyes a Little!

Today Z and I rented this Walmart documentary from Netflix. The next two posts are spoof adds from the movie. These are pretty funny!

Walmart - What ever happened to...

I like the way the actor has a warm smirk when he says "He shot himself."

Dart League No Mames

Our team name will be "No Mames" which is a Spanish slang term.

We'll have Phil B, Tom H., Roxie and me. With Deb C being a substitute player. We should be pretty good and win more games then last season.

We start on Sunday February 11th. So far according to Lonnie, the league organizer, there are seven teams in our league with each team having four people.

Our schedule is posted on-line at:

Vacation driveway shoveler caper.

I finally found out who shoveled our driveway when we went on vacation in January. It was Adam my next door neighbor.

We've some great neighbors!