It's never too late to learn.

Last night Jack and I ran the Hastings Chessperadoes Chess Club. We taught the kids about some tactics. A older man showed up. His name was Marvin. Marvin is a retired pipe fitter who just recently had taken to learning about chess. Hi know Richard V, the chess instructor that I replaced. I had Marvin sit down with one of the kids to play a game with her.
He said he was in his 80's.

He was looking to perhaps to start an adult chess club. Jack and I thought it might be a pretty good idea to meet once or twice a month at a location like a coffee house or a restaurant. Marvin said that it could be arrange to meet at the church in Cottage Grove across from the nursery and net to the golf course on Highway 61.

I talked to a couple of guys I knew and they said that playing in an adult chess club is something that they would do. I'm not sure if I'll have too much time to be involved in the organizing. We'll have to see where this goes.

Axis of Evil and the Goose Step

Why is it that all the Evil leaders make their military, like North Korea (right photo), Saddam Hussein's Iraq, Iran (left photo), Hitlers Army (during WWI), Soviet Union (during the cold war)... parade using the goose step march. It seems all one has to do to call a country evil is to watch their army. If they parade using the goose step, their the enemy.