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Voyager Class Travel Videos

29 sec - Aug 17, 2006
Average rating: (2 ratings)
Description: FIND THIS AND OVER 6,000 TRAVEL VIDEOS AT WWW.TRAVELVIDEOSTORE.COM Voyager of the Seas, Explorer of the Seas, Adventure of the Seas, Navigator of the Seas, Mariner of the SeasWelcome to the Voyager Class The World's Waiting for you. Get out There! Say Bon Voyage to the typical cruise vacation and hello to an unforgettable aventure! Introducing many "firsts" in the cruise industry like the Royal Promenade. Wait until you see the places they're going to take you. Grand Cayman, Cozumel, Labadee, Bahamas, St. Thomas, Martinique, San Jaun, Ocho Rios, Aruba, Caracau, St. Maarten. Experience the caribbean in ways you've only dreamed of.

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No Dart Love 2, Pheasant Pluckers 10

Last night we played against the Pheasant Pluckers. I had only a few games where I played well.

Kivi had 2 White Horses and Hoot got one. A White Horse is where a dart thrower would get a for example, triple 20 on the first dart, triple 19 on the second dart and triple 18 on the third dart.