Got to get IE fixed on computer!

Please read the August 3th 2006 and then read the post from August 4th, 2006 prior to reading this post.
It will all make sense!

Today my goal was to get this computer problem taken care of. At about 9 am, I started to make some calls to see if I could get the Windows XP Home Edition CD. I wanted to call my Dad first. He just purchased a new computer. He had been talking about getting a computer with the next Windows operating system and I was hoping that one of his two computers had the Windows XP Home Edition version on it. He was the most likely to have his CD accessible for me to borrow.

He informed me that his new computer has Windows XP Home Edition. GREAT!!! I asked him if I could borrow the copy of his Windows XP. He said that his computer didn't come with any Windows CDs. He had mentioned this to some guy at Best Buy and they had told him that the Windows copy is on a Partition in the hard drive under Drive D:.

That didn't help much. The Microsoft Tech guy mentioned that my files were corrupted and those file might be corrupted as well. I tried calling my brother Joe - Got the answering machine. Called my sister Angela and she was at a pet adoption and that I should call her later.

My Dad called me back and told me that my brother in-law, Paul, might have a copy of the CDs.
I promptly called Paul. We talked and he said that he had a copy and I could pick it up at from him at Janelle's Karate class (I'll have to post more on Janelle's Karate lesson in some future posts). I met my sister Julie and Janelle at the Karate studio and watched Janelle break boards and practice her routine. I brought the CDs home and was ready to call Microsoft with my Case number to get this computer issue resolved.

Prior to calling Microsoft I decided to check and see if any other programs were affected. QuickBooks - I opened it up created an invoice and I couldn't type anywhere in that program as well. I could even change the name on any files. This is more than just a IE problem.
At about that time Z was looking at my research on the second computer and found out how to get at the computers Windows Image in my computer. To get at it I needed type something in to the XP computer. Z mentioned that we get a new computer to replace the nonworking one if Paul's windows disks didn't work. This Compaq computer can run so slow.

Catch 22.

Can't fix the computer unless I can type something into it and can't type something into the computer to fix it.

It was as if the the keyboard wasn't working at all !!!

I hadn't spilled anything on it. It was as if... The keyboard got unplugged. I looked at the back of the tower and what do I see... The Keyboard was unplugged! I restarted the computer and this time for this post I am typing on the keyboard.

I should have thought of it sooner. The tech guy from Microsoft as well should have suggested, diplomatically that I should check, as a precaution, to see if the cable to the keyboard was unplugged.

I have heard of tech guys at the company I work for tell me stories of solving customers by asking them if there is gas in the engine or switch is turned ON to their nonrunning generator.

The Friday of someone possessed on fixing their computer.

Please read the August 3rd 2006 post prior to reading this post.
You will get more out of this.

I talked to some Windows IT people at work about the IE problem. They suggested that I might have to either download and install Beta IE7 or take my computer into the Geek Squad.

Z and I found a phone number for Microsoft. We paid the $35 for the consult. I spent about 3 hours with him as we went through the procedures. This is all what he instructed us to do.

NOTE: Restarting this XP Home Edition Compaq takes close to 15 minutes!
  1. Restart computer
  2. Uninstall IE through Uninstall Window Components.
  3. Restart the computer
  4. Install the IE - Still couldn't type in IE address bar
  5. Shut off computer
  6. Start computer by getting into safe mode - Couldn't get into safe mode
  7. Uninstall the HP printer drivers (wasn't using them anyways)
  8. Restart
  9. Check to see if HP drivers are uninstalled
  10. Go to start - Run Programs and then type msconfig... Couldn't type in anything there as well.

Finally tech guy put me on hold for about 5 minutes. When he got back on the phone, he stated that I would need to find the Windows XP Home Edition CD. I don't have one. I explained to him. They never gave one to me with the computer. He said that I could use one from a friend. Perhaps My brother or Dad has a copy. We decided that we would contact each other on Monday.

Was having trouble - Couldn't type in Internet Explorer

Read this post before you read the posts on August 4 and 5th.

Tonight something interesting happened to my computer. For some reason, in Internet Explorer (IE), I wasn't able to type anything in the address bar or on any web pages. This means that I couldn't post a message, search on google or anything.

Fortunately, we have two computers that are networked together so I was able to search on the working computer for what would cause this.

One recommendation on the internet was to do a system restore. I felt that was a drastic measure and wanted to do that at the last resort. Other sites stated that some malicious Spyware or Hijack program was the culprit. So I updated and ran both Spybot Search and Adware and they found no problems.

I tried going to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Browsing Uncheck the Enable 3rd party browser extensions - Still no help.

It was working a few days ago so I resorted to Restoring my computer to an earlier time. I went back one week. Still no help.

I finally found out that there were some issues with a Microsoft Internet Update named kb908531. The post was from April 2005 but I was running out of options. The post said that it should be removed, So I removed it.

It is around 11:30 pm and I'm tired and I am going to bed.

Angela and Jay's New And Improved Wall!

This is my sister Angela and Jay's house. They just got the wall put in, by a new contractor, after having a contractor rip them off by not finishing the job after he had removed the old wall. It look great! I happened to be driving in the area earlier in the today and decided to take a look at it.

My sister Angela fosters dogs for Last Hope.

Last Hope is an all volunteer no kill foster based rescue.

Last Hope, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping unwanted, abandoned and homeless animals. With the help of volunteers and members, Last Hope has placed more than 15,000 animals in good homes since October of 1985.I think that is really cool that she helps these animals.

My friend at work adopted his dog Bailey from Last hope - He really cares for Bailey. He actually found his dog through: He connected with Angela and then only realized that Angela was my sister.
Last Hope website is: