Hillary Clinton for President? You got to be kidding!!!

Hillary Clinton: Wrong person for the Presidency.

According to CBS Broadcasting, Clinton said. "And I would like to get back to building on what works … recommending the kind of bold, but practical changes -- like universal health care, like energy independence -- that were not possible in the first Clinton administration."

The Clintons had eight years when Bill Clinton was President and since January 2001 Hillary had opportunities to introduce bills that implement these "Bold, but practical changes." She is on the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, and the Special Committee on Aging and still hasn't done anything to get universal health care and energy independence forward as law.

It would be a sorry state of the union if she won. She didn't have the courage to leave her philandering husband. She could have left him at any time. It wasn't as if she was one of those poor women with no means for escape, she allegedly to defend, that has a husband that sluts around, comes home drunk and abuses them.

According to Wikipedia, "...as a member of the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services she was in the know and supported and voted for the Iraq War Resolution popular names for the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. In February 2005 she stated that much of Iraq was functioning well, elections in Iraq had succeeded, and that the insurgency there was failing. In July 2005 she co-introduced legislation to increase the size of the regular United States Army by 80,000 soldiers."

And the in January 2007 interview with Katie Couric, Hillary said, "Unfortunately, the fact is he is carrying out the policy. He already had in motion the movement of troops into Iraq," Clinton said. "What we're trying to do is send a bipartisan message, if possible, that we disapprove of this escalation, that we want to begin a phased redeployment that I have called for more than a year and a half -- that we want to get our troops home as soon as possible." Did she change her position the second after she voted for 80,000 more soldiers in July 2005?

We all want our troops home. We also want the job done right. We don't want the balance of power upset and evil forces to win the Middle East. If we leave the area too soon Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda will gladly move in and take the oil revenues to advance their evil movement. I think it would be a good idea to maintain a foothold of troops in the Middle East in the long term.

Hillary Clinton isn't the right person for the presidency. The Clintons have always allow themselves to be blown by the winds of the polls. They have proven that they aren't leaders. Leadership requires direction, initiative, and foresight. Hillary doesn't have the ability to look at the polls and see what in store in the future. The Clinton administration, which Hillary was a part of, wasn't able to foresee the force al-Qaeda was and their planning for the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and Hillary wouldn't be able to foresee the next great evil that awaits to destroy this great country.

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