Senators Clinton and Obama sitting on their hands!!!

According to the AP "Clinton remains in favor of universal health care and has made it a central theme of her presidential bid." and Democratic Senator Barack Obama said Thursday after jumping into the 2008 presidential race, "Every American should have health care coverage within six years"

As Senators aren't they suppose to be putting through bills like Universal Health Care?

Senator Hillary Clinton is on the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, and the Special Committee on Aging along with a Democratic majority in the Senate and a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives get Universal Health Care passed into law. Even if a George W. Bush, a "Very Lame Duck President", as a Fox News Correspondent has reported, Veto's the bill the bill it could still get passed by Congress by overriding the presidential veto.

Isn't it the Job of a Senator to put forth bills? Why would Clinton and Obama delay Universal Health Care for two years. Don't they care about the people who are needing Universal Health Care Today?

Two years delay could be a live sentence for someone without insurance. If they really cared they would be working and putting forth their solutions on the table for review by the appropriate committees and for a vote by Congress as soon as possible!

Who are they serving? The people? Not a chance. This only proves that they don't care for the people they claim to serve. They only care about their own political ambitions.

Both Clinton and Obama aren't worthy to be president of the the United States of America.

Now I'm not in favor for Universal Health Care, but them delaying opportunity shows how these two worthless Senators (either Senator Hillary Clinton or Senator Barack Obama), would be as President of the United States.

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