Is your iTunes account being sold online

Your iTunes account could be being sold online all over China for prices as low as just a few bucks.

On December 19, 2010, I happened to get an email receipt saying that I had made some purchases through iTunes. The purchases were for $19 worth of games, songs and video. Someone was able to hack my account and use the gift card credit that I had remaining in the account. I thought that it was an isolated issue.

But no, I was wrong, dead wrong...

Quickly, I changed my long password with an even longer one. I also contacted iTunes and they locked my account from further purchases and stated that they would refund the the amount back to my account. It was a good thing I never put a credit or debit card on the account or I would have had more than $19 to worry about.

I noticed that there were four authorized computers and there should have only been one authorized. They said they would clear them to zero computers. Once they did, I hadn't noticed any problems with the functionality of any of my purchased items.

Through an odd channel (google alerts), I found out that others are having their iTunes accounts being hacked, as well . About 50,000 illegal iTunes accounts are being sold on China's largest online webstore.

You might want to check your iTunes receipts and your credit card statements. According to the AFP, hacked iTunes accounts — possibly yours! — are available for sale all over China for prices as low as just a few bucks. Can you imagine; your account full of your money being stolen and sold for just a few bucks! Don't rest now; CHECK YOUR ACCOUNT NOW!

Below are articles related to hacked iTunes accounts:

Hacked iTunes accounts sold online

Apple Can't Stop Ongoing ITunes Charge Scam

Hacked iTunes accounts continue to sell in China

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