Finished Apple Wine

Here is what I've finished this week:

A few of the labeled bottles.  Each label is slightly different. Per my fathers suggestion the the brand is "G. Antonio". Guess why.

The labels are completely in Italian text. Each bottle label have different sayings in Italian. My father helped me get the Italian correct.

Matthew Fox White Zinfandel

Price: $4.99
Producer: Matthew Fox Vineyards
Region: California
Varietal: White Zinfandel
Container Size: 750 ML
Wednesday night Z and I went to a liquor store to pick up some boxes that Z could use for work.  While we were there, we picked up some wine. One of the bottles was Matthew Fox White Zinfandel.

We opened it up Friday night and enjoyed it. Here is what we observed. Its color was a dark peach and it was very clear. The bouquet was like peaches, matching the beautiful color.

Even better, it tasted like it's wonderful bouquet, though we did find it a little on the sweet side. It's not a bad wine if someone is looking for a sweet wine. I thought it would be a good idea to measure the S.G.(Specific Gravity) so I can adjust the wine I was making not to be as sweet. I measured the S.G. at 1.012. 

Lucky Bottle Score

Z called me this afternoon as I was driving home from work.

She told me how she went to Walgreen's and then onto a garage sale where she bought a case of empty green bottles.

She said that these bottles had imprinting on the glass on the lower back and a cool design molded in the front of a face. She got a case of 24 of these.

I told her that I have some bottle cleaning to do.

When I pulled in I took the case of bottles out of her car and brought them into the house.

Looking at them in the light, I knew right away that these weren't wine bottles.

If I make some beer, could I reuse these?

Apple Wine

Last week I started a five gallon batch of apple wine.

Being that I pitched the yeast last Friday night, I though I started out too slow. By Saturday at 1:00 pm I saw no bubbling action and wasn't smelling any yeast odors like I had with my one gallon batches. I stirred it anyways. I thought it was because of the water that I used. I used 1 gallon of spring water and 4 gallons of purified water.

I didn't check it again until Sunday at 5:00 pm. There was a good amount of bubbles on the top of each bucket and had the tell tale or yeast. I should say that foam covered each bucket. I stirred it. Looks like the fermentation was well on it's way.

On Wednesday the S.G. reached 1.000 so I racked the wine into a carboy.

I'll definitely let you know about how it finishes.


Today I picked up 6 frozen cans of Old Orchard 100% Apple Passion Mango concentrate. Each one mixed with water makes 48 oz of juice. With coupon I paid 50c each.

I was wondering how it would taste as a wine and would like to try.

I was figuring on a starting S.G. of somewhere in the range of 1.085 to 1.090.

Would anyone have any advice or guidance for the recipe?

Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Stackable Rack

Yesterday we ordered the two of the Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Stack-able Rack. From Kohl's. With a 30% discount we couldn't resist.

These will be a nice addition for when I get to bottle more of my homemade wine. I have a perfect place for this in my cool basement.

Here is the link to the item at Kohl's:
Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Stackable Rack - Natural

My Sister-in-Laws parents used to make wine. They had offered at a my nephew's graduation party to give me three of glass carboys. All they wanted for them was a bottle or two of wine so, they can appreciate what I have made. I should be able to pick them up today!!

Employee Motivation Programs - Top Reasons Incentives Work

Employee motivation programs - more than likely you have known of them, however if you are not implementing them inside your small business, you are making a dangerous mistake. You see, while you will observe that these reward programs will require a monetary investment on your part, they might bring you fantastic returns in the extended run. From incentives to unique prize giveaways, there are so many assorted ideas that you might get your own employee motivation program started and here are a few of the best reasons to do so.

Reason #1 - Increase Your Sales - One of the major reasons that incentives work for businesses is because they might assist you to boost your sales. There are days inside businesses that even your greatest salespeople may well be experiencing a moment of decreased sales. Now, if you are approaching into the 3rd or 4th quarter and sales have been down, associate motivation programs may perhaps be just the way to start improving your sales, bringing your associates out of a slump.

Reason #2 - Boost Employee Productivity - One more reason that employee motivation programs work is since they might assist you to increase employee productivity. Implementing programs, such as holiday incentives, can assist to push the run of the mill achievers inside your small business to boost their performance. As you observe common achievers start to drive towards these rewards, You will notice that your overall associate productivity will start to increase, that leads to extra cash for your small business.

Reason #3 - Enlighten Your Company's Customer Service - Customer service is essential to the achievement of every small business. First impressions are so essential, and customers base create their judgment of your small business based on your associates. Implementing employee motivation programs is a interesting way that you can enlighten your organizations customer service in a explicit manner, increasing sales and returning customers repeatedly.

Reason #4 - Employee Motivation - Finally, you will observe that implementing employee motivation programs additionally helps to multiply employee motivation as well, which is chief. Employees who are not driven do not perform well, however visualize how you may possibly intensify the drive of your employees by offering vacation incentives or some different type of reward to them. These programs assist to keep associates on top of their game and also serve as encouragement for intense performance.

As you can envision, there are numerous examples that incentives can work for your small business, and there are numerous advantages that you can enjoy as a small business. Employee motivation programs are an investment that you just will not lose. You will intensify sales, improve employee productivity, enlighten your customer service, and motivate your employees to perform. All of those advantages lead to profit and accomplishment, which are two things your small business just can not live without!

Author: Samantha Jacobsen

Article Source:

Cover Letters

Your cover letter is the first thing a hiring manager will see when you apply for a job. It's the deciding factor that determines whether your resume will earn a glance or end up in the trash, so make sure you leave a positive and lasting impression by avoiding these top cover letter don'ts.

1. Don't begin with a weak opening
The first part of your cover letter may be the only part that a hiring manager takes the time to read, so don't risk an opener that will make their eyes glaze over. Grab the reader's attention with a short introduction and an attention-grabbing statement. For example, "Your need for a top-performing administrative assistant is an excellent match to my 4-year track record in successful office management and executive support for a Fortune 500 company."

2. Don't repeat your resume
Nobody wants to read the same thing twice. Instead of regurgitating your resume, highlight the top three key points or skills that you offer.

3. Don't send the same one to every job
Just like your resume, customizing your cover letter is the key to success. Read the job description and use it as a "cheat sheet" to create a cover letter centered on this specific position.

4. Don't only focus on your needs
Avoid using "I" or "my" too often. Although you are writing about yourself, the cover letter should mainly focus on the employer and the position. What makes you the right person for this specific job? How can the company benefit from hiring you?

5. Don't use "Dear Sir or Madam" or "To whom this may concern"
Avoid addressing your cover letter to a generic reader by finding out who the actual hiring manager is. Do your research and it will definitely pay off, maybe enough to get your cover letter to the "yes" pile. If you can't find the name, use the reference "Hiring Manager" instead.

6. Don't forget to indicate the position you are applying for
Hiring managers usually hear from hundreds of applicants—sometimes for different jobs within the company. Make a reference to the job that you are applying for incase they are hiring candidates for more than one position.

7. Don't hide that you're great for the job
Take advantage of formatting tools such as bullet points or bold fonts to emphasize your achievements. If the hiring manager is going to scan your cover letter, you want to make sure these important details jump off the page.

8. Don't go over one page
Make sure that your cover letter is clear and concise. No matter how extensive your work history, keep it down to one page only. You don't want to waste the reader's time …or put them to sleep!

9. Don't email as an attachment
Sending a blank email with an attachment risks your application looking like spam. When applying to a job online, include your cover letter in the body of the email and attach your resume to the message.

10. Don't forget a strong closer
If you have followed #1 above, it is time to end your cover letter with a bang. Include a strong closer that will leave a lasting impression and create anticipation for your resume. Promise to follow up by phone or email—and pull through when the actual time comes.

By Joanna Boydak, LiveCareer

Top Three Posts for March 2011

In the right hand column there is a listing of the top three blog posts of the week.

These winners are rated by you, my friends of this blog. 
They are rated by how many page views they received in March 2011. 

Then the Second Place Silver Winner:
Mar 29, 2011

The First Place Gold Award Winner

Mar 4, 2011

In March 2011, there had been 3960 page views for this blog!

Thank you visiting and reading my blog. 
It is you that made these posts the best of March 2011
I wish April 2011 to be a great month for you!

To see 
The Best of
February 2011

Heavy Petting - Jazzmyn

Tabby - Brown/Domestic Short Hair Mix: An adoptable cat in Farmington, MN
Medium • Baby • Female

Jazzmyn is a very pretty 5 month old spayed brown tabby. She is very loving and social. She doesn't like to be carried but she'd live on your lap forever if you gave the opportunity! She is very frisky and very amorous, loves to be petted! She seems to prefer adult company!
For more information on this little girl, contact Julie at 612-298-7634 or email me at

More about Jazzmyn

Spayed/Neutered • Up-to-date with routine shots • House trained

Jazzmyn's Contact Info

Last Hope Inc, Farmington, MN

Make People Ask For Your Card

Here is great article from Promotional Consultant Today. I think it's a great way to know if someone is interested in how you can help them.


You walk into a meeting of five people, and the instinct is to immediately hand them your business card. Don't do it! Why? Because they didn't ask for it. Promotional Consultant Today shares these strategies for making people ask for your business card.

Let me explain why that's important. What happens when we give out our business card before someone asks? We announce: This is what I am doing. And maybe even: I want you to buy from me.

By giving out our business card when people don't ask for it, we put ourselves and our businesses in the spotlight-- this might be gratifying for our egos, but it's not good for our positioning.

"Get in touch with me when you need me" is a weak attempt to get someone interested in our product or service. Although most people will politely accept the card, they will seldom, if ever, call.

But that doesn't mean that you should leave everything to chance. Think in terms of earning the right to be in people's contact lists. This way you will be asked for your business card, which is an entirely different situation. As a result of your extra efforts, people will also keep your card, and maybe even refer to it instead of trashing it with the others they receive unsolicited.

First of all, strive to become a person that attracts others. That's very simple. It begins putting other people in the spotlight instead of ourselves.
Another necessary skill is active listening. Like it or not, people are much more interested in their own lives than in ours. And they love others who are genuinely interested in their plans, desires, headaches and values. If you encourage them to talk, you will be amazed at how quickly they will reciprocate and ask: "And what do you do?"

Isn't this a nice prompt for handing them your business card?

My favorite is asking for their card first. You simply say "Gee, this really sounds very interesting-- let's make sure we stay in touch. May I have your business card?" Usually this prompts them to say "Sure, and may I have one of yours?" It is that simple. And what if they don't ask? I do not offer mine.

Now, when I have their business cards, I also have permission to contact them. And that allows me to take the initiative, so most of the time I immediately follow up with a personal note and this time my card will be enclosed in the same envelope. Of course, that doesn't mean that person is going to call me. It doesn't mean that she will want to do business with me right away--quite the contrary. Most of the time it will take a lot more follow-up than that one note. But it is a pretty good way to begin a relationship, don't you agree?

Source: Wanda Loskot is professional speaker and business coach for small business owners and self-employed professionals who love what they do, but hate selling. She offers free business strategies, marketing tips, teleclasses and other valuable resources.

Truth or Rumor? Cell Phones Go Public This Month

How do you tell the real from the false?
By John A. Stefani

Below is an email that I recently received:
Subject: RE: Remember Cell Phones Go Public This Month Need to read to avoid calls
Good morning,
This is just a reminder in case you did not register your cell phone yet. It is very easy and really only takes 10 seconds.
Cindy U.
REMEMBER: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month.
REMINDER.....  all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls.
To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222. It is the National DO NOT CALL list It will only take a minute of your time. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked.  You cannot call from a different phone number.
HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON .. It takes about 20 seconds.

Please forward to family and friends.
When I receive these mass emails, I always wonder if these are true or false. Over the last few months I have seen an email like this in my inbox a couple of times.

I proceeded to Google the phrase:  Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month.

This is what I found:

According to, this email is a rumor that's been circulating since September of 2004 and they classified it as Mostly False.

Also, according to, “…cell phone numbers are NOT going to be released to telemarketers. It didn’t happen in 2010 and it won’t happen in 2011 either.”

Snopes also states that registering a cell phone number with the Do Not Call website is unnecessary.

Not necessary for Cell Phones
And the final nail in the coffin, even the Federal Government's FTC site admits that it is not necessary,, “Contrary to the e-mail, cell phone numbers are NOT being released to telemarketers, and you will NOT soon be getting telemarketing calls on your cell phone.”

I believe that the information on the above four sites are reputable enough to ruin the credibility of the "Cell Phones Going Public" emails. The best way to stomp out these "Remember Cell Phones Go Public This Month Need to read to avoid calls", emails is by kindly educating those who forward them. The senders need to realize their error and stop sending them. Please feel free to copy/paste this post link to your friends who send these emails to you to educate them so they stop forwarding them on to others.

I know most people who will read this will not spread this type of email and will just delete it. The problem is that these type of emails get spread by a very small percentage of internet users (I'm surmising, probably less then .5%,). All it takes is one person and this spread all over again.

I am doing this as a courtesy reminder for the small fraction of my blogging friends, my 400 Facebook friends and close to my 250 Linkedin contacts who would, on a whim, spread emails like this without first checking the validity. Do your part to avoid confusing others. Thank you.

The things to do when I have writers block

Try to get focused on coming up with an idea
Look at what others are writing about
Sit down at the computer
Open a blank Word document
Stare at that blank Word document
Get up from the desk and get a coke
Sit down again at the computer
Set the beverage next to the computer
Stare at that blank Word document
Take a sip of the coke
You notice that the coke is too warm
Get up and go to kitchen
Get a glass and fill it with ice
Pour the contents of the coke can into the glass
Sit down again at the computer
Set the glass of coke next to the computer
Stare at that blank Word document
Stare at that blank Word document
Again, stare at that blank Word document
ARGH!  I think that I’ll come back to this later!!!

Heavy Petting - Linus

Pomeranian: An adoptable dog in Farmington, MN
Small • Senior • Male

We are guessing this guy is about 8-9 years old and was dumped like trash! He had bronchitis and still wanted to play. His teeth were falling out and he needed a groom! He now has very few teeth like a old man but doesn't act old at all! As a matter of fact, he is one of the nicest poms we have had. We hope that someone will love him for the 2-4 years he should live! He is good with kids 8 and up and other dogs! He is also is doing well with housebreaking!!

He would really love a good home this time!

He was a stray!!

~ Adoption Fee: $175 (cash only, no checks)

This dog will not be at our adoption event this Saturday. Please contact the foster for more information. .

Foster: Shari S - or (612) 770-5972

More about Linus

Spayed/Neutered • Up-to-date with routine shots • House trained • Primary color: Yellow, Tan, Blond or Fawn • Coat length: Long

Linus's Contact Info

Last Hope Inc, Farmington, MN

The impact of the earthquake disaster has been felt worldwide and extends to the promotional product business.

By John A. Stefani

From time to time I receive quote request from customers for Flash Drives. Here is an e-mail from one of the suppliers and, I thought I would pass this along.

Dear John,

We all watched helplessly as the nation of Japan suffered unimaginable devastation from earthquakes and tsunamis last week. The impact of this natural disaster has been felt worldwide and extends to the promotional product business.

Japan manufactures 50% of the circuit boards used to make USB flash drives. With Japan unable to manufacture these necessary components of flash memory, China has reported a 30-50% increase in flash memory prices overnight along with immediate shortages. We are working diligently to determine how to minimize the impact to you and are committed to communicating additional information as it becomes available.

Thank you for your partnership, and we look forward to working through this challenge together.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Japan for a speedy recovery.

To help victims of the Disaster, please visit the American Red Cross.


(Note: Some editing on the e-mail had been done to protect the confidentiality of the supplier.) 

Too Tired To Post Tonight

I'm too tired to post tonight. I'll leave a post tomorrow.

Good night for now!


How can a cloud get a job recruiters attention

Last week I applied for a customer service position with MAC at the Minneapolis International Airport. I could easily do all the job qualifications, but one.

After I had submitted the online application, I immediately called the person that was responsible for receiving the applications. I had asked her when they would they would complete the process of selecting the top candidates.

She was really nice on giving me an indication when I should call back. I told her that I had all the qualifications except one and she informed me that that specific qualification was going to be weighted more then all the other ten required qualifications.

After they had a chance to review all the applications, I called her back. She informed me that they had received over 260 applications and because I didn't have that one qualification I wasn't going to be considered for the position. Because they had such a large pool of applicants, having 10 out of the 11 requirements wasn't enough. WOW!!

Being that the information on online applications are digital, many get scanned by a computer program. This computer program is looking for key skill words or buzz words that the employer is wanting their new employee to have.

When scanning hundreds of application, if you don't have all the buzz words, YOUR OUT!!!

As a job seeker, I was told over and over again to customize each resume and cover letter to reflect the needs of the company for the position. Every time I did an online application, I looked over the job description and the company's website to eyeball what I thought were the most important words. I'm sure I missed a lot of the key words.

Wouldn't it be great if there was website or program that would scan companies webpages and job descriptions to find the most likely buzz words?

Washington County Library Announces New Resource for Job Seekers

By John A. Stefani

Job seekers needing help with resume or interview preparation can now get live expert help at the Washington County Library. Using your Washington County library card you may access a new online resource, JobNow!, from the library or from home. JobNow! offers live assistance from job coaches trained to work with individuals through every step of the job search process. All coaches possess four-year college degrees, must undergo a rigorous selection and training process, and must complete a full background and security check.

The JobNow! service offers personality assessments to help beginning job seekers pinpoint their desired career field, resume and cover letter templates, local job search websites, and more. Job seekers can get constructive suggestions on their own resumes, help in writing a professional cover letter and even get live interview practice and feedback. 

Tutors are online seven days a week, from 1 p.m. to 11 p.m., and they offer assistance in English and Spanish. If those times don’t work, job seekers can submit their resumes at any time of day through the JobNow Resume Lab and a job coach will return your resume within 24 hours, along with detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement. Call Washington County Library’s Info Desk, 651-731-1320, with questions about the new resource.

The month of February 2011 top three blog posts

In the right hand column there is a listing of the top three blog posts of the week.

These winners are rated by you, my friends of this blog. 
They are rated by how many page views they received in February 2011. 
 And the winners are:

The Third Place Bronze Winner:

Rosemount Minnesota Speed Traps
Feb 7, 2011

Then the Second Place Silver Winner:
Jan 29, 2011

The First Place Gold Award Winner

Using my Personal Brand Statement
Feb 4, 2011 

In February 2011, there had been 4091 page views for this blog!

Thank you visiting and reading my blog. 
It is you that made these posts the best of February 2011
I wish March 2011 to be a great month for you!

To see 
The Best of

Unleashing the Magic of Creativity

By John A. Stefani

At a recent meeting for a nonprofit organization I belong to, a long time friend complimented me because I am so creative with fundraising ideas. According to Wikipedia, “Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby a person creates something new (a product, a solution, a work of art etc.) that has some kind of value.” Not everyone is cut out to be painters or poets, at the same time, it’s important in a work environment to embrace some creativity. Creativity can be the way a business can gain market share on a competitor or to gain new customers. Creativity can be the way a community organization increases its budget through a new fundraising idea.

What process do artistic people, like artists and poets, do that classify them as being creative?

Is it magic?

As a child, I was pretty good at doing table magic. I enjoyed showing people the magic tricks that I could do. I practiced the tricks so all my movements would seem natural. Much of what a magician does is convincing the audience’s eyes to look one place when all the action is happening in another place. It seems when people look at creative people they look at the final product and not so much the process that went into it.

People are so used to looking in the wrong areas they miss the true creativity of the craft. I believe that creative people end up unintentionally deceiving others. It’s just how people tend to look at other people's creativity; people just look in the wrong spot.

I have witnessed the birth of the best ideas with a group of people, a cocktail napkin and a pen are present (adult beverage optional). Brainstorming is a great place to start.

By writing down all the ideas even if they seem crazy might yield a few great results. This is best done in a group of people. When creativity becomes in full bloom people will start adding to one of the ideas to make it better. Brainstorming should be practiced regularly. After awhile, creative ideas will start popping up outside of brainstorm sessions. Here is a good resource on how to start brainstorming:

Get a free PDF creator that anyone can use

When I first got into my job search, I printed all the job descriptions I applied for. I did this so I could reference them later on when a hiring manager would contact me. This meant that I would have to keep the paper in folders and organized so I could quickly find them later.

Even if I didn't get the interview, I would still have to store all those paper copies of job descriptions. On top of that, it could be months before I could hear something about the next step of the job process.

Lately, I have been using PrimoPDF. In my job search it's been really useful. It is so nice not having to run to the printer and then file the job descriptions for later use. I just save them in my computer in a folder with my customized Resume and Cover Letter for that position.  

PrimoPDF is a free, high-quality PDF creation utility that enables printing to PDF from virtually any Windows application. PrimoPDF is the world's most widely-used free PDF creation tool, and is the #1 ranked "PDF Software" utility on

PrimoPDF is the basic PDF writer of Nitro PDF Software.

Nitro PDF Software allows more control over the documents. With Nitro PDF one can create forms as well as highlight and edit PDF documents.  Click here to see the comparison
PrimoPDF acts just like a printer where instead of the file going to print it creates a PDF. Of course, I can always hard print the PDF document later with my printer. PrimoPDF is perfect for those who don't need to edit PDF files or those who are on a strict budget. One could always choose to upgrade to Nitro PDF later.

Minnesota Snowstorm Feb 20, 2011

Here is the view from the back window of the snow that is hanging on the gutter of the house.

We love our lottery, but charitable gambling and horse-race betting is down in Minnesota

By John A. Stefani

Most all the articles on charitable gaming acknowledge that charitable gaming is down:

Charitable Gambling Continues Its Steady Decline

MinnPost - We love our lottery, but charitable gambling and horse-race betting down in Minnesota

Session Daily - produced by nonpartisan Public Information Services = Lottery up, other gambling down

There is only speculation on why there has been this decline and most articles ask a couple of people for their opinions which are biased and data can only be ranked statistically as a poor sample of the population. I would like to see some research with some empirical data that shows the reasons for this decline. It's not just charitable gaming in Minnesota that is down. I have seen articles from other states whose revenues from charitable gaming has declined as well.

Both articles say that adding a racino would help. Seems to me, adding a racino wouldn't at all help charities who need and depend on charitable gaming.  Some say that electronic pulltabs and electronic bingo would provide more flair and rejuvenate charitable gaming. What do you think?

Heavy Petting Meet Louie


Poodle: An adoptable dog in Farmington, MN

Small • Baby • Male

10 week old 2 lb poodle that will be only 10 lbs when full grown. Louie is very fragile and must go to a home with kids 16 and up or and adult home only. He was almost not born if it wasn't for Last Hope saving the mother during birth. He will be black or gray when he grows up and will not shed!
We are looking for a family that will be home a lot so that he can learn housebreaking or knows how to train a dog that won't be very big and is patient with accidents the size of a tootsie roll or a drop of water!
Adoption fee: $400 ( cash only, no checks)

Volunteer to call: Suzanne S - or (651) 690-1556

He is fragile and best with kids 10 and up that have had small dogs before...

~ Adoption Fee: $350 (cash only, no checks)

This dog will be at the Petsmart Eagan this weekend on Sat from 11-3! Please contact the foster for more information.

The Tiny guy!

Adopt a dog or cat February 19th or 20th and receive special offers including $10 off any size bag of Nutro dry dog or cat food*. Adopt a cat during National Adoption Weekend and receive 1 FREE 16 lb. jug of PETCO Cat Litter*.

Plus, all pet parents who adopt enjoy additional savings from PETCO's Think Adoption First™ Care and Savings program.

More about Louie

Primary color: Black

Louie's Contact Info

Last Hope Inc, Farmington, MN

What are you waiting for? If not you, who? If not now, when?

By John A. Stefani
Video by the Minnesota Jaycees

Here is a great organization to volunteer, learn, show an gain solid friendships!

There are many people I know in the Minnesota Jaycees that have proved themselves in their communities and within the state to be a positive force of change. These are people who see thing in the world that they don't like, make a plan to improve it and then act to make things better.

Volunteering to improve the world through the Jaycees isn't work. It's fun and enjoyment! People who participate in this dynamic organization are the in the top ten percent!

I think about the great years I had had being involved in this organization. The great people I've met, and the fun I had. Even though I'm an alumni of the Jaycees, I look forward to continually supporting this organization.

Heavy Petting: Murray

Chihuahua: An adoptable dog in Farmington, MN
Small • Adult • Male 

This guy is less than 7 lbs and would like a home to allow him to get some cuddle time. Murray is a true gentleman, he's a very calm, easy going, handsome little guy so look no further for a great companion!
He appears to have a thick coat like he should be long haired! He is fragile at 7 lbs and best with kids 10 and up that have had small dogs before. Murray sleeps all night in bed with you but needs to go out at least every 4 hours during the day. Murray loves his family and will think of you as his favorite person in the world. If you want a dog that will make you feel important; adopt Murray!
;Last Hope has been seeing a lot of chis lately because of the recent movies and people not realizing that they cannot hold it all day!

~ Adoption Fee: $275 (cash only, no checks)

Foster: Kim D - or (952) 484-9286

More about Murray
Spayed/Neutered • Up-to-date with routine shots • House trained • Prefers a home without: young children

Murray's Contact Info

Last Hope Inc, Farmington, MN

Minnesota Speed Traps Part 2 - Have you gotten a speeding ticket lately?

Last week I did a post on Rosemount Minnesota Speed Traps. I received comments about speeds traps through my Facebook page. The friend that commented on that said there is a site called Trapster. I looked into Trapster and it is a FREE service that allows users to share the location of police speed traps using mobile phones and other types of devices.  

I love free.

They brag over 3.8 million logged speed traps and around 4000 new traps posted daily. I looked through the Trapster website and it is mainly designed for these phones:
  • iPhone
  • BlackBerry
  • Android (the TMobile G1 and others)
  • Nokia N95, N96, N97, 5800, E71, and other Symbian s60 phones
  • Palm WebOS phones such as Pre and Pixi
  • Windows Mobile touch screen phones with 6.0, 6.1, or 6.5 OS and GPS
  • Unlocked J2ME phones with GPS (for example the Sprint Samsung Instinct) 
I'm a techie type of guy--at the same time--I'm also frugal.  I don't have the most updated phone to use Trapster. I do, though, have the latest TomTom XL GPS. I found that I could download Trapster data and it can be inserted into a Garmin, TomTom, or other GPS Navigation Device.

What Trapster does for us GPS users is creates four POI (Points of Interest) for your GPS. These are:  

  1. trapster-combo-camera-ahead
  2. trapster-police-enforcement-point-ahead
  3. trapster-red-light-camera-ahead
  4. trapster-speed-camera-ahead

Once the .zip files are downloaded to a computer, one would just need to load all the files into the GPS.

Basically one needs to connect the GPS to the computer and go into the downloaded Trapster .zip file and copy and paste the files into the correct folder in the GPS using the instructions that Trapster provides on their website. Once the files are in the GPS then someone must activate the POIs and configure alerts on the TomTom. That's about four steps for each of the four POIs. These settings are important to do since they tell the GPS to speak out or warn you when you approach a Trapster POI.

One must remember to periodically go into the Trapster website (I'd say about once a week) and get the updates. This part is a bit of a pain. Perhaps they should have some software that would insert those updates into the correct folder automatically when the GPS is connected to the computer.

I've used it for a week in my GPS. Though I have yet to see a cop sitting at a Trapster speed trap, in the areas that I am familiar with normally having speed traps, the Trapster POI has been accurate.

Here is the link to Trapster:

This guy starts with one red paperclip and ends up with a house - Video

This man had a worthy goal to own a house.
This shows that one can be creative and have a large goal in mind by 
starting small and then ending up with big results!
Also, this young man learned that the journey to a 
destination is just as or more important than the destination.

Heavy Petting: Tinkerbelle

Tinkerbelle is a very sweet black and tan chi. She is about 4 yrs old and weighs between 5 and 6 lbs. She loves people and loves to sit in a lap. She does okay with other dogs.

Tinkerbelle has tan feet and a very thin hair! She gets cold fast!She doesn't know she is a chihuahua and loves everyone.

She has pencil like legs and best with kids 10 and up that have had small dogs before because she will break!

~ Adoption Fee: $275 (cash only, no checks)

This dog will be at the Apple Valley Petco on Saturday from 11 - 3. Contact the foster to learn more!

Foster: Kim D - or (952) 484-9286

More about Tinkerbelle

Spayed/Neutered • Up-to-date with routine shots • Prefers a home without: young children

Tinkerbelle's Contact Info

Last Hope Inc, Farmington, MN

Rosemount Minnesota Speed Traps

Here are three Rosemount Minnesota Speed Traps.

I have seen the police tagging speeding cars in all of these areas.

County Trunk 42 near Auburn Avenue Rosemount, Minnesota

Officer sits on southbound side of County Rd 42 between Auburn Avenue and the Technical College on a dirt road used for construction. He's been there a couple of mornings usually near the middle of the month.

State Highway 3 near County Trunk 42 Rosemount, Minnesota

HWY 3 both north and southbound from the highschool to county rd 42. This area sees a high volume of traffic stops as it is a main artery that also contains a speed limit change as you move through downtown. Be wary at any time of day in this area, but be extra careful between midnight to 3AM, as there are three bars within a one block radius that tend to draw a lot of officer attention.

County Trunk 42 near Akron Avenue Rosemount, Minnesota

Squads patrol County Rd 42 from Highway 52 to Highway 3. They like to sit near the Vo-Tech and will stop at 10 over. They don't have any unmarked squads, but it doesn't seem to matter. They'll get you anyway.

These were taken from theSpeed Traps Logo

County Road 42 is one way that all the western Dakota County police (Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan) use to transport people into the Dakota County Courthouse in Hastings Minnesota.  The other way I've seen police cars (Farmington and Lakeville) go to and from Hastings is 160th St.
Minnesota Speed Traps Part 2 - Have you gotten a speeding ticket lately?

Fender Concert Light Bulb and Radio Shack

The indicator light bulb on my Fender Concert II Guitar Amp went out. I removed the red crystal and removed the bulb and the only thing that was on the stem of the bulb is T47 .8. After doing a quick search on the best price I saw was 2 Fender T47 Replacement Bulbs for Fender Tube Amps for $5.69 and plus $2.95 shipping from the website that has the name of a aggressive women or vixen.

Looking for a deal, I proceeded to the Radio Shack website hoping to see if the local Radio Shack Store carried them. Seeing that their website didn't list anything else besides flashlight bubs, didn't discourage me from trying to get one at a local store.

I went to the Fender website and it said that Good Guys Inc Pro Audio in St Paul on Grand Ave was the closest place who sold their parts. I wasn't about to make a special trip there, so I figured that it would probably be a while before I'd get there. I then looked up the info for Schmidt's Music in Burnsville MN. Z suggest we go shopping for some groceries in Apple Valley. Since Radio Shack was in the same mall as the grocery store, I suggested we try to get the bulb at "the shack".

After the clerk and I compared the old bulb with about a dozen of the ones they had we finally found the exact one. They sold a pair for $2. WOW!

I had heard some rumors of Radio Shack:

RadioShack looking for a buyer, possibly Best Buy March 26, 2010

10 Brands That May Disappear in 2011  Thursday July 8, 2010 (January 24, 2010) states in an article, "Radio Shack announced that CEO Julian Day will retired as chairman and CEO effective May 16; he’ll be succeeded by CFO Jim Gooch, who becomes president of the company effective immediately, and will take the CEO slot once Day departs. The company named Daniel Feehan, now the presiding director and a board member since 2003, as non-executive chairman."

Z and I came home after our errands and I installed the bulb and it worked perfectly. Radio Shack offers tons of small electronic components, and I wouldn't like at all if they went out of business or totally abandon the geeky project customer base.

Using my Personal Brand Statement

In the last few weeks, I’ve been refining my . I’ve received from a few people, who I had asked, words that would professionally describe me. I feel I’ve put together a pretty good personal brand statement. Versions of it could be used as 30- or 45-second elevator speech. I’ve even used it on the summary of my resume. I feel it could also be used to answer that tricky interview question. You know the one: “Tell me about yourself?”

After all that work, during the last few interviews, I never really had the opportunity to say my complete branding statement during an interview.

Instead during the interviews, I’ve been trying to get into the conversation key words from my branding statement to emphasize what I’m all about.

Yesterday, I went into a company for an interview and they had me fill an application. In the area of the application for special skills, I couldn’t think of any skills that I have had formal training on that would pertain to the job. I really didn’t want to leave that area blank. Since, skills like perseverance, disciplined, consultative, relationship building, and self-starter are all skills that sales professionals should have and, those skills are in my personal brand statement, I wrote my personal brand:

“Disciplined and goal orientated self-starter who perseveres to educate the customer about the value of products and services in a consultative manor. I do this by asking questions and listening to the customer to find any gaps, quickly find methods to fill the gaps and then consult and educate the customer on the value of the products or services that fill those gaps. I am interested in a small to medium sized company looking to expand their bottom line through relationship building and providing value to customers.“

After he read that section he said softly, “I like that. That’s what we are looking for.”

I have learned that having a personal brand statement is very important for those who are searching for the next position or next project. I learned about creating and using my personal brand from taking classes at the Bloomington-Minnesota Workforce center. The classes I took were presented by Anne Pryor or Kathleen Crandall (

Heavy Petting - Mia has lots of love to give

Hi, my name is Mia.  I had such a rough start in life that I'm surprised that I am here at all. Because of that, it may take me a little time to get to know and trust you. I may take a little time, but I'm worth it. So far, I haven't gotten used to being picked up or being a lap cat. I do want to be near you and get petted and I can just imagine snuggling up by your side. I've been to see that vet and have a clean bill of health and am up to date on my shots. Could you please be my forever home? I have a lot of love to give and just need a little time.

Foster Mom Judy 952.492.2331 Adoption Donation $75
Adoption fee $75.00 cash only, no checks. For more info or to adopt, call Judy at 952-492-2331 or e-mail

More about Mia
Spayed/Neutered • Up-to-date with routine shots • House trained

Mia's Contact Info
Last Hope Inc, Farmington, MN

Here are the Top Viewed Posts of January 2011

In the right hand column there is a listing of the top three blog posts of the week.

These winners are rated by you, my friends of this blog. 
They are rated by how many page views they received in January 2011. 
 And the winners are:

The Third Place Bronze Winner:

How to be Lucky

Jan 12, 2011

Then the Second Place Silver Winner:
Jan 12, 2011

The First Place Gold Award Winner

First going after Taco Bell next Kellogg's?

Jan 29, 2011

In January 2011, there had been 3692 Page views for this blog!

Thank you visiting and reading my blog. 
It is you that made these posts the best of January 2011
I wish 2011 to be the best for you!

Best of 
 December 2010

First going after Taco Bell next Kellogg's?

by John A Stefani

Beasley Allen has handled cases involving verdicts and settlements totaling more than $20 billion.

Beasley Allen currently holds U.S. records for largest verdicts/settlements in 4 categories: oil, pharmaceutical drug, environmental settlements and predatory lending. Their website states that they have a national reputation for being at the forefront of Consumer Litigation.

The critics say that Taco Bell's meat filling product would fall below the already generous USDA standard for it to qualify as meat and they say the present standard demands it consist of at least 40 percent meat.

According to the USDA Glossary in the "M" section:

The flesh of animals used as food including the dressed flesh of cattle, swine, sheep, or goats and other edible animals, except fish, poultry, and wild game animals.

Meat Base
A granular, paste-like product which is shelf-stable primarily because of its high salt content (30-40%).
  1. Beef Base - 15% beef or 10.5% cooked beef.
  2. Pork Base - 15% pork or 10.5% cooked pork.
  3. Ham Base - 18% ham.
    In the USDA Glossary in the "B" section, beef is states as being "Meat from full-grown cattle about two years old. “Baby beef” and “calf” are interchangeable terms used to describe young cattle weighing about 700 pounds that have been raised mainly on milk and grass."

    Interviewed on, Donna Fenton, Cheif Environmental Health Specialist for Kern County Environmental Health Department stated that, "Taco Bells saying its isolated oat products, wheat oats, soy lecithin, malodextrin, anti dusting agent, autolyzed yeast extract modified corn starch and sodium phosphate as well as beef and seasoning with the taco meat filling definition that may still be all allowed."

    According to the St Paul Pioneer Press "Experts say similar ingredients are used in many processed foods sold in stores.'

    I would really like to see the actual USDA statement with their standards of meat.

    I had heard a rumor that once the lawsuit against Taco Bell resolved then, Beasley Allen is going after Kellogg's Keebler products for not having any Elfin Magic in their products.

    Heavy Petting - Riley a Black Labrador Retriever/German Shepherd Dog


    Black Labrador Retriever/German Shepherd Dog Mix: An adoptable dog in Farmington, MN
    Large • Young • Male

    Riley is almost a year old and good with other dogs . He likes to play too but not hyper! He is housebroken but still need to crate him when you are not home since he is still a puppy and loves to chew; but don't worry, he likes rawhides!

    He is about 75 lbs and all love and works for food!! He knows sit, stay, down but still counter cruises... we are working on that!

    Riley is very housebroken and quiet in the crate. He can sleep anywhere at night with you! He uses his nose to find toys and not his eyes. He would make a good sniffing dog! He loves to play with other dogs at Camp Bow wow but when he is on a tie out, he acts like he is going to hurt every dog he meets so he needs a fenced in yard or acreage. He knows his name and won't run off so a home with lots or acreage he would love to be there and then come indoors and sleep on your bed!

    ~ Adoption Fee: $200 (cash only, no checks)

    This dog will not be at the adoption day this Saturday, (January 29th 2011) from 11-3. Call the foster to learn more!

    Foster: Jeff - or (651) 230-8243

    More Wasteful Government Spending in New Orleans

    A January 16, 2011 NY Times article 5 Years After Katrina, Teacher Tills Soil of Lower 9th Ward stated that there is still much that can be done in New Orleans' lower 9th ward. According to the writer, Charles Wilson, "Five years after the levees broke in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the Lower Ninth Ward remains largely a place where time has stood still. Lots where shotgun houses once stood are empty and overgrown with tall grasses. Gutted homes with smashed windows list to one side."

    Wilson isn't the only one that had seen that more needs to be done. According to It's a tortoise's pace, but New Orleans Ninth Ward is changing one house at a time written by David Karas of the The Times, "While the Quarter, the center of tourism for New Orleans, has been completely restored and bears no reminders of Katrina, it is just the opposite in the residential areas within walking distance of the levees that were breeched."

    Today I was reading the January 2011 issue of Travel South USA magazine and they highlighted:  Living with Hurricanes: Katrina and Beyond, a 6,700 square-foot interactive multimedia exhibition to opened on the ground floor of the Presbytere October 26th, 2010. It remembers the events of the Katrina, the Atlantic hurricane of 2005, and show cases the renewal of New Orleans.

    It is a $7.5 million exhibit!!  That's $7,500,000. I think it's good to chronicle and commemorate the tragic events of that great hurricane at the same time that's way too much that was spent for this exhibit.

    How many homes could have been build for $7.5 million?

    Last Hope Adoption Event

    As the regular visitors already know on Wednesdays and Fridays I put a post up promoting Last Hope, a no kill pet rescue organization. There are a couple of events that they are running and I want highlight them for you.

    Big, Big, BIG Adoption Event
    January 28, 29 and 30
    Burnsville Minnesota Petco
    Sponsored by Nutro and Natural Balance


    Pancake Breakfast
    to Support the Animals!
    Come to AppleBees on Cedar in Apple Valley Minnesota
    from 8-10 on Saturday January 29th 

    For more information

 Top 10 Most Creative Stamps for 2011

    Top 10 Most Creative Stamps for 2011

    10 Embroidered Stamps from Austria and Brazil

    9 Brazilian Bat Postage Stamps - Cut in the shape of bats!

    8 Canada's Biggest Stamp - At a $10 value it's a Whale of a stamp! Due to its high value, several security features are used in the new $10 stamp. The whale's scientific name (Balaenoptera musculus) is written in intaglio micro printing. As well, a large cluster of krill (the whale's food of choice) and a diver are printed in tagging that can only be seen using ultraviolet light.

    7 Aromatic Scratch-and-Sniff Postage Stamps Debut in Germany + Scented Stamps from French Polynesia The scent - which is only released upon scratching the stamp's surface - is made possible with scented oils wrapped in microscopic capsules. 

    6 Animation Stamps from Israel and Hungary

    5 Book Stamp from Netherlands + Crime Novel Stamps by Sweden + Special Journal Devoted to Traditional French Flavors. There are micro-texts embedded in the stamps about the authors and their works. Try to find them!

    4 Stamps with Diamonds + World's First Postage Stamps Made from Thai silk

    3 Calligraphy Stamps + World's First Ceramic Stamps from China

    2 Special Volcano Stamps from Iceland + Sahara Postage Stamps by Morocco

    All the stamps are silkscreen printed with very fine-grained trachyandesite ash which fell at Eyjafjallajokull in April. The trachyandesite magma has ca. 60% silica content and comes from a depth of 7 km with a temperature of more than 1100°C when it reaches the glacial ice.

    1 )Moving Stamp with the World's Smallest and Shortest Film by Netherlands

    14897 Robert Trail South, Rosemount, Minnesota, United States

    From Buildings

    To empty lot!

    The last few weeks the contractors used their bulldozers and equipment to tear down three buildings on the West side of Highway 3 in Rosemount MN.

    Ohh, the wheels of progress! Stay tuned for further developments. What do you think will fill this lot space? Guess now. Whoever guesses right will win a prize.

    In Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr

    I wanted to commemorate today, Martin Luther King Day, to remind everyone to be good to each other and our neighbors no matter who they are and what their background is. Because we only hear bits and pieces of it on the news I thought it would be great to have his "I Have a Dream" speech text and video given on August 28, 1963, for all to see and appreciate.

    He spoke for all people of all races.

    I ask all to see the video and read along and contemplate. Has his dream been accomplished?

    You are welcome to comment at the bottom of this post.

    Here it is:

    I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

    Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.