Wet Noodle VS Vice

At work today Bob W. was thinking about leaving for Costa Rico and when I was leaving work he said put your hand in the vice and motioned for a handshake. I shook his hand and wished him well for his trip.

I told him and Mario about Josh, Amy's son (Amy is Zena's brother's, Clark's girlfriend). During Christmas morning at Joey and Cliff's house. Josh is a young man and when we shook hands I noticed he was inexperienced in the ways of the hand shake. I told Bob and Mario that I instructed Josh the way my Dad taught me on how to do the firm handshake.

It is important for men to give a firm handshake to another man. When a man shakes a woman's hand he should be careful in not crushing her hand and be particularly careful when she does the fingertip and thumb shake.

People do judge others on the quality of the handshake and everyone should learn to do it well.

Changing of My Blog Template

Tonight I decided to change the template. This one looks relaxing. I'll keep it for awhile.

Department of State to Introduce Passport Card

To meet the documentary requirements of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI), the Department of State, in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), today announced and submitted for public comment a federal rule proposing the development of a card-format passport for international travel by U.S. citizens through land and sea ports of entry between the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda.
The limited-use passport card will be adjudicated to the same standards as a traditional passport book. The rule published today proposes a wallet-sized card that would cost $10 for children and $20 for adults, plus a $25 execution fee.

To facilitate the frequent travel of those living in U.S. border communities and those traveling on commercial maritime vessels, the Department of State has committed to producing a passport card that incorporates cutting-edge technology. The technology incorporated in the proposed card was designed in coordination with DHS specifically to address the operational needs of land border-crossings. The proposed passport card would use long-range, or vicinity, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to link the card to a secure U.S. government database containing biographical data and a photograph. The card itself will not contain any personal information, and DHS will implement protections to keep the database secure.

The passport card is the core element of the PASS (People Access Security Service) System announced by Secretaries Rice and Chertoff in January 2006, and will secure and expedite travel to and from the United States.

From: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2006/74083.htm

Sticking Point - Seattle Times

According to the Seattle times...

England's Robbie Green became the first professional dart-thrower to flunk a drug test, drawing a 58-day suspension from the Darts Regulation Authority after testing positive for marijuana.

Officials suspected something was awry the moment he missed the bull's-eye on the specimen jar.