First Opinion Post - About the War!

I really think that too many people believe that we're not at war. The plot to crash ten passenger planes that was foiled in the UK last week proves that the terrorists are still looking to hurt us.

Most people say that the Cold War was fought from 1947 to 1991. That war was fought for 65 years before the Soviet Union collapsed. These terrorist are not like the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union believed in self preservation of their people and their country. These terrorist are from many different countries have no allegiance to any country and have no self preservation ideals. The only allegiance they have is to an ideal that the West is bad.

What is it that makes these terrorist want to sacrifice their lives for so little in return? These terrorists who commit the horrors are brainwashed by their leaders. They somehow use a religion to prove what they are doing is holy. It is as if the devil himself has infiltrated a religion, normally for decent people, and corrupted it.

This war on terror is going to take decades. The terrorists are willing to wait patiently until this country is at sleep to attack. We must remain vigilant at all times against this enemy.

Press calls the the terrorists in Iraq "Insurgents", as to soften the damage they do to democratic process that has been started there. We can't cut and run -- it would only make it a victory for the enemy. We must see it to the end and prove to the terrorists that we are winners.

World Trade Center - The Movie

Z and I went to see "World Trade Center" tonight.

The movie "World Trade Center" is a powerful and moving movie. The acting was realistic. The images and directing was perfect. There wasn't any sort of conspiracy that Oliver Stone usually portrays. Although the irony of the story is that the two Port Authority Policemen who go to the World Trade Center to rescue others themselves become trapped in the rubble and are needing rescuing.

The was it was put together at the beginning reminded me of a Tom Clancy novel. Once the characters are placed though Stone does a wonderful job of getting the characters emotions and thoughts on the screen for all to view. The movie also showed the Spirit we had after September 11, 2001.

The Painted House

The lower left photo is the completed repair from the photo that I showed on August 8th and the upper right photo shows the the finshed paint job.

It looks as though the guts just came pouring out. PART 2

Last night Z and I backing up all the files we use in the Windows ME drive. Today I got the address, calendar and the POP3 working in outlook in the Windows XP computer.

The Windows XP computer is opened with a hard drive hanging out the side. It looks as though the guts just came pouring out.

To get the Outlook's address book and calendar, I had to find the outlook.pst file on the drive and import them into Outlook. I also found out that the archives.pst are just old e-mails. I just called my ISP and they talked me though getting the POP3 service into Outlook.

Now that I got everything working in one computer I proceed to fix the other.

I downloaded a program (for free) called Keyfinder from

I tested it on the XP computer and It found the XP product key. It also found the product key for other Microsoft products as well.

After several unsuccessful attempts to coax the Windows Product key out of the ME drive I figured that now I can try a restore.

I followed the commands from the text file I found in the ME computer.
At the command prompt I typed: scanreg /restore and then pressed ENTER.

I rebooted it and....
Windows ME worked.

Back to two fully functional computers.

Computers seem to fail all around the same time!!! PART 1

For some reason the computer we have with Windows ME crashed and it lost its Product Key. Microsoft tech support told me that the support for Windows ME ended about a month ago.

Not cool. I have the computer from the factory with Windows ME on it. I think it's a bad deal that they don't come with any CD or Product Keys. I could do was mess around in the DOS prompt.

I have two computers and I usually back up one computer into a unused drive of the second computer through a network From that drive it is easy to copy those folders onto CD's.

I know what I can do. I can take the main hard drive out of the Windows ME computer and place it into the Window's XP computer along side the other two drives and do my back up of our important documents into that back up drive. It isn't a problem to do this since the Windows XP computer has inside the tower an extra Power cable and a Hard drive ribbon cable with an extra connector.

I seem to remember something about doing something to the jumpers on the back of the drive. The manufacturer website of the drive says that I should remove the jumper so the computer doesn't think that it is a master drive. See:

I installed the drive in the working computer and... It works!!

I can backup my files and feel free to restore the Windows ME drive without jeopardizing any important documents.

I'll make a list of all the folder as that I would need to back up and copied each one to the back up drive.

A afternoon off of work.

It was slow at my work. I finished responded to the e-mails that are sent through the website and then I made some deliveries earlier than I expected. Before I made it home I went to the hardware store to pick up a bracket for a downspout on my house. I got home about noon, and the painters were hard at work.

The house is looking much better. I can't wait until it is all finished. The painter say they will be finished by Friday. I will have the one of the pillars repaired and the garage door thresholds repaired as well on Friday.

While I was at home I finished repairing the siding near the bottom of the garage door.

Good Night. Boy! I'm tired tonight.

Tonight I worked on repairing the siding on the north side of the house. The Masonite Board in one area near the window was getting soft from moisture. Between yesterday and to day I replaced three small sections. I'm glad I have some Masonite Board left over from a few years ago.

The photo on this post shows the section by the garage I repaired. It is ready and waiting for the painters to give it a coat of primer and a couple of coats of paint.

Boy! I'm tired tonight. Good Night!

First day with College Pro Painters...

Today, when we arrived home we found a couple of painters on the job finishing up scraping and priming the siding of the house. Three of the beams in front were painted. The fourth beam post needs repair so a handyman going to come up with a quote for its repair.

Music blaring from their car... They had most of the shutters removed from the house, except when they decided they were done for the day ... they were done. Didn't matter that they left two odd shutters hanging up there... One shutter was stuck up there because a screw was stripped. The other one couldn't be removed until the faucet could be removed. The owner of the company, Peter and I, took care of that. I had to find the shut off valve for the front faucet.

I did some odd repair on the north side of the house under one of the windows. I hope it is good enough. We had a pizza dinner with Peter and chatted about Jaycees.

Peter and I removed the storm windows. Tomorrow the painters will start more painting.

Getting the house painted this week.

I got all the storm windows labeled so that we can put them back in the correct places when the painters are through. Yes, they are getting painted too. I cut all the bushes back 12 inches from the house, except for one bush in front of the garage.

I'll work on that tomorrow night after the storm windows are off the house. I hope the weather stays good so they can complete the job by the end of the week.

The name of the company is College Pro Painters.


Last night Z, her parents and I went to Wegottabingo. It was very entertaining. Through the promotions it was compared to Tony and Tina's Wedding. Like Tony and Tina's Wedding. It was an interactive production. It was very entertaining. The story has to do with two rival churches doing a bingo "Fun-Raiser. It was a Italian Church versus the Irish Church.

I think that Tony and Tina's wedding was better. The story line in Wegottabingo was a little weaker than Tony and Tina's Wedding. Wegottabingo was still very entertaining and full of suprises.

The photo was me doing the Polka dance with one of the characters in the play. She had a really sqeeky voice. Any winners had to run up and get their prize. The winner would sit in the Bingo Champion Chair.

They served:
Bruschetta San Dominica. Which was toasted garlic crostini topped with freshly chopped tomato, roasted garlic, and fresh basil tossed in extra virgin olive oil and Balsamic vinegar. This was just ok. It was like eating salsa on Melba toast.

Insalata del Lotto. Crisp Iceberg lettuce, freshly sliced cucumber, cherry tomatoes, sweet red onion, olives and pepperoncini tossed in our homemade creamy Italian dressing. This salad was pretty tasty.

Rosa's homemade lasagna egg and spinach pasta sheets layered with a sweet Italian sausage ragout, spinach and Mozzarella, Parmesan and Ricotta cheeses slow baked to a golden brown. Some other guests had said the lasagna was too spicy. But I thought it was good.